Love is forbidden between mother and child
“All you need is love”.
From the Bible:
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. “
Paulus 13, 4-7.
The greenlandiic mother to a 1 month old baby in Thisted, Denmark has had her child removed by force directly from birth:
She writes abour contact with the baby under intense supervision by a socalled “child case expert” (“børnesagkyndig”):
“I’m not allowed to show my emotions when I see her. I’m not allow to calm her down when she cried. And I’m not allow to feed her or change her diaper. Someone from Thisted kommune looking at me all the time. Every move is writing down. Sometimes I can’t always hold my tears, but I do my best. I miss her every minut and I count days, it really hard”

Mor med 1 måned gammel baby
“All feelings forbidden” or “all you need is love”?
In international papers. After the forced removal directly from birth, the biological mother and baby are allowed to be unified at a neutral place under intense surveillance. The idea is that it should be best for the baby to turn herself ultimately to the foster parents and forget
This practice is in direct conflict with infant psychological experience and knowledge. But when it comes to the instructions fro
pers. After the forced removal directly from birth, the biological mother and baby are allowed to be unified at a neutral place under intense surveillance. The idea is that it should be best for the baby to turn herself ultimately to the foster parents and forget
This practice is in direct conflict with infant psychological experience and knowledge. But when it comes to the instructions fro
Danish colonial race hygiene attitudes and administrative practices towards Greenanders in Denmark are already described in international papers. After the forced removal directly from birth, the biological mother and baby are allowed to be unified at a neutral place under intense surveillance. One or two sessioins ( max 1 hour)
The idea is that it should be best for the baby to turn herself ultimately to the foster parents and forget her biological mother. The trouble of course has to do with the development of her own identity: The who am I – question.)
This practice is in direct conflict with infant psychological experience and knowledge. But when it comes to the instructions from the municipality’s socalled “child experts” (God knows from where they get their quasi expertise) they have forbidden the mother duting the session to show feelings of any kind
A legal statement
According to Danish Law a legal “decision” can be appealed. The text here may, in English occur difficult: The key concepts are difficult to translate.
According to Danish administrative law, a provisional decision cannot be appealed. On the other hand, a direct decision that functions as an instruction may be appealed
A distinction is made between “actual administrative activity”, for example teaching, and administrative decision-making activity
According to my view, an instruction not to show feelings may be seen as a direct legal instruction. If so, suck an instruction needs a “hjemmel”, ie. Legal basis or Statutory authority in law..
The deeper the intervention the authority exposes the individual to, the clearer the reference to a provision in the form of written law also be.
There is no legal basis to act as Municipality of Thisted has done here. In my terms this instruction is strictly illegal according to Danish Law.
Immediate Postpartum Period
Skin-to-Skin Contact
Skin-to-skin contact (SSC) between mother and infant immediately after birth has been shown to have significant benefits. A longitudinal study found that SSC was associated with improved mother-infant relationships in infancy and sustained effects into middle childhood
SSC is linked to
- Facilitation of newborns’ physiological adjustments
- Reduction in maternal depressive symptoms and physiological stress
- Increased maintenance of breastfeeding
- Enhanced infant responsiveness to mothers
Neurobiological Bonding
The attachment bond between mother and child begins forming in the womb. After birth, early maternal separation can result in a series of traumatic emotional reactions in the infant
This includes:
- An anxious period of calling and active search behavior
- A subsequent period of declining behavioral responsiveness
Early Postpartum Period
Mother-Infant Bonding
Mother-infant bonding, characterized by the mother’s feelings and emotions towards her child, develops primarily during the first postpartum year
This emotional tie:
- Ensures the infant receives necessary protection and care
- Promotes the quality of the mother-infant relationship
- Contributes to positive infant outcomes
Neurochemical Responses
When a mother hears her baby cry, a complex interplay of oxytocin, dopamine, and opioid systems occurs in her brain
. This neurochemical response:
- Encourages maternal care
- Strengthens the bond between mother and infant
Long-Term Effects
A healthy mother-infant relationship in the early postpartum period has been associated with positive outcomes for the child, including
- Promotion of personality traits such as curiosity, social ability, and cooperation
- Higher levels of self-esteem in infants
- Positive direction of the child’s behavior in future social relationships
Conversely, insecure early relationships may lead to:
- Increased risk for psychological and social difficulties
- Potential impairment in forming and maintaining healthy relationships throughout life
In conclusion, scientific research emphasizes the critical nature of the mother-child relationship immediately after and shortly after birth, with implications for both short-term bonding and long-term child development.
Privat seniorforsker, cand. scient. pol. Aarhus University 1982
Published: "Kommuner, Regressionsanslyser og Bloktilskud 1982
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